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 "Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance "(Bruce Barton)



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YOU are so much more than your "Bad Back " yet it can feel like that's what you become.  If you are anything like me there is only so much talking about my back pain and sciatica symptoms I can do and I need stuff to take my mind off it, make me laugh and be more than just the "bad back" many saw me as. So here are a few things I did , you will find your own, these are just ideas.

1. Join a back pain discussion forum and help others through their back pain. Sharing your back pain experiences helps you and others through this difficult time.

2.If like I was you are limited in your mobility and in my case hubby had to do all the household stuff there are still things you can do to be useful to your family and friends. Think what you CAN DO in spite of your back condition and do those things....

 Our household accounts had never been in such good order! and don't get me started on how great the dusting and polishing was...well at waist height anyway!! :}

3.Check out

VERY cute and lifts the spirits.

4.Catch up on your reading/ film watching and music interests.

5.Check out

Some very funny stuff on here. I haven't read it all so be warned I don't know all its content and so cannot vouch for it. Can easily while away a few hours if you can sit at the computer.  Try   if you want to have a good rant without hurting anyone!!

6. And if you are with your back pain and sciatica symptoms like I was and  you cant get to the shops- well it was only when I got back pain I discovered the world of internet shopping :} 

 Sure I could only sit for 15 minutes at a time but a lot of shopping can be done in 15 minutes!!  ..... but I am sure you already know that....

7. There are many people who may be inspirational for you. Some may be inspirational because of how they are handling a condition or illness , others it may be some other achievement. Some may be people you already know. Then there are  others like Kyle Maynard and Seniesa Estrada. (You can Google for their stories) Also just check into any forum on pain and you will find people who are still positive after enduring so much. You may be one of those people.

8. A great film to watch, and a true story of amazing courage and attitude is "Touching the Void".

9. Listen to Stress relief CD's.

10.Have Fun!   Click on the daily cartoon caption to (hopefully!) make you smile.


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