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...or how to improve communications between you and your pet back.

Before we start I think it is important to say that I do not personally believe back pain is all in the mind. However I do believe that our minds are very powerful and we can use this to our advantage when dealing with back pain.

1. Do a grateful Diary.

Get a blank book and each day write in it at least one thing you are grateful for, If you can manage 5 things that would be good and 10 things a day would be fantastic.

This helps to put you in the mindset of being grateful and positive about your life and that helps you to handle what you need to cope with. Also what you think about expands so if you are grateful for the good things in your life, it goes that the more good things flow to you.


Hopefully you will have someone at home you can talk with about what you are going through. If you  don't or even if you do but need to discuss it with people who are going through it know you are not alone and find a good back pain forum where you can talk to others who are going through or have been going through back pain. There are many and I cannot tell you which ones you will like but try a few and see what you think.

3.Have a laugh!!

If you can have a good laugh with friends or family, or at a funny film or just for no good reason it uplifts your spirits.

4.Learn how to cope with negative stress.

We all have stress in our lives and being in pain can make that stress worse which can make the pain worse and so a vicious cycle starts.  If you think this affects you  consider one of the many stress reduction CD's around to help you control the negative stress you may feel.

Check out the ones by Dick Supthen here. Best selling author and produces great mind programming and stress reduction CD's to improve your life.  

5.Ask better questions.

I don't know about you but I've been there in the mindset of "Why is this happening to me" "What have I done to deserve this" " No one cares"

Your mind will essentially attempt to answer any question you pose to it so if you pose negative questions it is likely to come up with a negative and frankly unhelpful answer!

Briefly better questions to ask yourself (and others ) are

" What can I learn from this?"

"Who could help me with this?"

"This is the problem , what are the many solutions?"

"In what ways can I help myself?"

6.Why do you want to get rid of your back pain??

Now I know of course you want to get rid of the pain, the burning the numbness the endless sleepless nights, not being able to do what you want or what you need to do.  These are all great reasons. However many people fail with the solution if it requires them to do any work because they do not have strong enough positive reasons to keep motivated and get into  the right mindset..

Think about this or even better write it down

Almost every famous person has a dramatic "before" story. What I would love you to do is to write down your "before " story.

Imagine you have already achieved your goal of being pain free and able to do all you want to do..... and you are looking back at this current time.

a) What obstacles have you overcome?

b) What challenges did you face?

c) How did you find the strength to overcome them?

Done that?

d) Now write down a list of Why you are committed to finding a solution to your pain.

e) How will your life be different if you are pain free.

The reasons you are going to take charge and make this happen!!

You are a stronger person than you realise.

7.If you want help, support and motivation check these out:

Learn more about back pain solutions at Lose the back pain .com

A lively and active discussion forum where people with back pain ask questions and support each other. Lots of practical help and advice, informative articles and many useful strategies.

Active and very supportive forum with people coping with all types of pain. Lots of useful information and advice on handling pain and positive ways to cope.


Also Check out Inspiration on this website

Visit "Coping with the stress of back pain using your powerful mind"

for ways to help yourself with stress, anxiety and depression you may suffer as a result of back pain and sciatica symptoms.

    © Copyright January 2007  MY PET BACK  All rights reserved