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Degenerative Disc disease

 What is it?

Degenerative disc disease is not actually a disease at all. It's a term that describes the natural changes the spinal discs undergo as a person ages. Degenerative disc disease usually occurs in the lower back and the neck, though it can take place anywhere along the spine. As a disc degenerates, it may put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, which often leads to pain and may affect nerve function. While everyone will experience these changes in their discs, most people will not have pain.

What causes it?

Spinal discs break down with age, resulting in a loss of fluid that can prevent discs from acting as natural shock absorbers. This fluid loss makes discs thinner and shrinks the gap between the vertebrae. Muscle imbalances - essentially, one set of muscles overpowering another - create "postural dysfunctions" that put abnormal pressure on a disc and cause increased wear and tear over time. Eventually, the weak spot gives way and makes contact with the nerve, bringing pain. Barring trauma, degenerative disc disease does not happen overnight. It takes a long time for a nerve to be put under enough pressure to cause pain.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms are back or neck pain. Many people have no pain, while others with the same degree of disc damage have severe pain that limits their activities. An affected disc in the neck area may result in neck or arm pain, while one in the lower back may bring pain to the back, buttocks, or leg. The pain often gets worse when you bend, reach, or twist. In some cases, there may be numbness or tingling in your leg or arm. Loss of bowel or bladder control is deemed a medical emergency, so you should get to the emergency room as quickly as possible if either of these things happens to you.

How is it diagnosed?

Degenerative disc disease is diagnosed with a medical history and physical examination. During the exam, your doctor should check for range of motion and pain associated with the affected area, as well as any tenderness, numbness, tingling, or weakness. Your doctor should also ask about underlying conditions, such as fractures, tumors, and infection. If this examination shows no signs of a serious condition, imaging tests - such as an X-ray - are probably unnecessary.

How is it treated?

Common treatments include cortisone injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises. Surgery is also an option, with the two main goals being to take pressure off the nerve and stabilize the joints.

Why do traditional treatments fail?

Most traditional treatments fail because they simply address the symptoms and do not address the cause of the condition. Your degenerated disc is a physical problem, and it requires a physical solution. There are no pills or injections that can create postural balance in your body, which is what is necessary to reduce the pressure on the nerve.

Which treatments work best?

The principles of Muscle Balance Therapy address both the pain of a degenerative disc and the root of the problem - in other words, what's causing the pressure in the first place. Through strategic body assessments, your individual muscle imbalances can be identified. Once that is done, a very targeted corrective program can be designed for your specific needs.


If you are interested in learning more about a way to get rid of the back pain and sciatica click here to find out more about Lose the Back Pain System  for great back pain and sciatica relief exercises, back pain information, support and expertise to help you get rid of the back pain and sciatica.


To learn more visit The Healthy Back Institute website

Sciatica/Back Pain/Herniated disc Guides

The Healthy Back Institute have now three Back Pain advisories for you to choose from...or you could choose all three!


Back Pain Relief Guide

Get the latest, cutting-edge information about back pain, what causes it and how to get lasting relief. Millions of people suffer from back pain unnecessarily - don't continue to be one of them.


  • Sciatica Gone in Just Days

Most cases of sciatica can be wiped out in just days and often with just a handful of simple exercises and stretches... but you have to know which exact ones YOU need to do. Learn about the 4 primary causes of sciatica, how to find out which is causing your                                           pain and which treatments will work for your specific situation.


  • Herniated Disc Healing Miracles

Diagnosed with a herniated disc? Been told by your doctor that surgery is the only option? Then you'll definitely want to read this guide because you'll learn about the real cause of herniated discs and how to heal them and get lasting relief without dangerous                                        medications or risky surgery.


To get your free copy now follow this link!

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